Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Few Things To Clean When Selling Your Home

Some of you who know me also know that I clean my home everyday. I understand not everyone does this or has the time for it. I don't think poorly of that. I do however see many homes for sale that could have sold based on simple cleaning techniques that can be done for FREE. So, have decided I will list a few of my suggestions, in hopes it will help someone sell their home faster.

Run the vacuum or sweep and mop, everyone notices stuff on the floors especially along the baseboard. Which brings me to my next must clean item.

These babies are nasty. They collect dust, hair and hair products, dead bugs, and I've even noticed pet food. It's so easy to clean, clients often point out how thick the build up is.

While baseboards are nasty, don't forget the interior doors. Almost all interior doors have designs. The same things that collect on baseboards you can often find on your doors. Not to mention the tiny little hand prints our children leave behind after playing in the mud or eating spaghetti.

When you are selling your home, you want to let as much light in as possible. This makes it feel warm and welcoming like home, but opening the blinds can reveal  the last 3 years of pollen that is thick and green now. Cleaning windows with a bucket of water and newspaper sheets work well. Also, dry the windows with a dry sheet of newspaper.

Lighting Fixtures & Ceiling Fans:
Simple fix just take them off, get the dead bugs out, and wipe them off. Dust those ceiling fans. How embarrassing it is to show a home and hit the light switch, with the fan turned on only to have clumps fall onto you, your client and the floor. It's an immediate turn off to potential buyers.

Vents & Filters:
Everyone with HVAC has filters that need to be changed. So many times buyers open up the return vents and check the filters. They check to see if you are taking care of your unit. Change those filters every month, it's good maintenance for you and your unit.

Wipe your vents! The bathrooms have them and they build up fast. Your air unit return also builds up so when you change the filters, vacuum or wipe them down, its worth the time it takes.

O.K., I suppose it feels as though you are being criticized for your cleaning habits, but trust me on this one, it is worth doing especially if you are wanting to sell your home. Remember to view your home with perspective buyers in mind. These may be things you no longer notice, but a pair of fresh eyes will. Happy Cleaning to You!